Reaching Youth in the Local Church

This article has been designed with two audiences in mind: (1) a teacher of youth students; and (2) parents of youth desiring to learn more about how youth learn. Reader, you have been given a mighty and high calling in helping to pass the Gospel message to the next generation. There is a youth in… Continue reading Reaching Youth in the Local Church

Five Strengths of Adult Learners in the Local Church

Most adults have spent 12-16 years of their lives in a learning environment through school and no longer desire to be exposed to an atmosphere that will force them to learn something that does not catch their interest.  If an adult desires to put effort into learning, there are five specific strengths that will assist… Continue reading Five Strengths of Adult Learners in the Local Church

The Confusion of Church Dialect

A few years ago church leaders were challenged to learn the new language of pop culture and permit many old and worn church terms to fade into obscurity. You know, the church of what’s happening now wasn’t your grandmother’s church. So, we marked terms like “invitation”, “come down front”, “ask Jesus into your heart”, “amen”,… Continue reading The Confusion of Church Dialect

For the Love of a Great Sermon

What is expository preaching? What makes a sermon good? What kind of preaching do we need? What kind of preaching can we live with? What kind of preaching can we live without? Those are questions that I asked myself when my family and I sampled the church options when we moved several years ago. The task… Continue reading For the Love of a Great Sermon


A friend was celebrating his fortieth birthday. His family discussed an appropriate gift to mark the occasion. When the day arrived, they presented him with an elaborate, expensive treadmill. Today, it’s a nice clothes hanger in his bedroom. Over coffee one day, he told me the treadmill was a metaphor of his life. Maybe it… Continue reading Treadmills

I Believe

Studying church history does more for the church than provide sermon illustrations. Church history allows us to learn from those who’ve gone before us so that we might benefit from their experiences and avoid their failures. Consider this example. In recent years, creeds have gotten a bad name. Opponents have labeled them oppressive, intolerant, divisive,… Continue reading I Believe

Christian Leadership according to 1 Cor 4:15

Believers in the Corinthian church misunderstood Christian leadership. Various men served among them, including Paul, Apollos, and Peter. However, some in the church became so enamored with human gifts and personalities that they exalted some leaders over others. As a result, the church divided into factions. In 1 Corinthians 4:1-5 we find a portion of… Continue reading Christian Leadership according to 1 Cor 4:15

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