What Makes a Church Attractive to Kids?

Recently, a megachurch pastor drew fire for saying, “Don’t attend a church that teaches your children to hate church.” The larger context of his statements indicated that smaller churches are the kind of churches that cause children to hate church. This pastor, who I will leave nameless, has since apologized for his disparaging comments. The… Continue reading What Makes a Church Attractive to Kids?

The Confusion of Church Dialect

A few years ago church leaders were challenged to learn the new language of pop culture and permit many old and worn church terms to fade into obscurity. You know, the church of what’s happening now wasn’t your grandmother’s church. So, we marked terms like “invitation”, “come down front”, “ask Jesus into your heart”, “amen”,… Continue reading The Confusion of Church Dialect

For the Love of a Great Sermon

What is expository preaching? What makes a sermon good? What kind of preaching do we need? What kind of preaching can we live with? What kind of preaching can we live without? Those are questions that I asked myself when my family and I sampled the church options when we moved several years ago. The task… Continue reading For the Love of a Great Sermon

Less Sizzle, More Meat

Someone shared a humorous story on social media. Their elderly grandmother was visiting for a few days. She awoke during the night and went to the kitchen for a drink of water. On the way she saw his laptop open on the floor. Granny thought it was a scale. So, out of curiosity she stood… Continue reading Less Sizzle, More Meat

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