Jonathan Edwards and Prayer

Prayer, its power or the lack of it, gives testimony to the vitality and reality of the Christian’s faith.  “Prayer,” Jonathan Edwards announced, “is as natural an expression of faith as breathing is of life.”  The Christian has faith. The Christian prays. Otherwise, he is no Christian at all.

To Refuge or not to Refuge? Is That the Question?

The recent Paris attacks have thrust into the international spotlight a number of issues that have been boiling under the surface for American evangelicals who long to see a gospel witness extended to the nations and at home. With at least one of the bombers having ties to the recent flood of refugees out of… Continue reading To Refuge or not to Refuge? Is That the Question?


A friend was celebrating his fortieth birthday. His family discussed an appropriate gift to mark the occasion. When the day arrived, they presented him with an elaborate, expensive treadmill. Today, it’s a nice clothes hanger in his bedroom. Over coffee one day, he told me the treadmill was a metaphor of his life. Maybe it… Continue reading Treadmills

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