Reading New Testament Letters: Part 1

Editor’s Note: This is the first in a series of posts on Reading New Testament Letters from CSU’s Executive Vice-President Michael Bryant. Introduction [1] The New Testament contains a number of genres (e.g., Gospel, Apocalypse, Letter). Below we examine the genre of letter. What is a letter? A letter or epistle is an important form… Continue reading Reading New Testament Letters: Part 1

Principles for Reading and Interpreting the Gospels

Below are principles for reading and interpreting the Gospels responsibly. (1) Have a basic understanding of three major categories related to each Gospel: history, literature and theology. History relates to a Gospel’s background and includes such matters as the author, setting, date and purposes. Literature includes such things as genre (type of literature) and structure… Continue reading Principles for Reading and Interpreting the Gospels

Advice to Those Who Lead Music in Corporate Worship

Introduction Music is an important part of corporate worship. In the Old Testament, Moses and the Israelites used music to celebrate God’s deliverance at the Red Sea (Exod 15:1-8). The Book of Psalms contains texts set to music used in corporate worship, though we do not know precisely how the Psalms were sung. In the… Continue reading Advice to Those Who Lead Music in Corporate Worship

The Christian and Speech (Part 1)

Introduction Even the casual observer cannot help but notice that American culture has become more tolerant of speech previously considered offensive. Whether on the television, radio, or in books, what constitutes “acceptable” or “appropriate” language has clearly changed. This shift raises important questions for believers: What kind of speech honors or dishonors God? Also, does… Continue reading The Christian and Speech (Part 1)

Explaining the Gospel

If someone asked you to explain the gospel, what would you say? What would be your key points? What Scriptures would you use? All believers should know how to share the gospel. Below we’ll look at one possible way to explain it.

Christian Leadership according to 1 Cor 4:15

Believers in the Corinthian church misunderstood Christian leadership. Various men served among them, including Paul, Apollos, and Peter. However, some in the church became so enamored with human gifts and personalities that they exalted some leaders over others. As a result, the church divided into factions. In 1 Corinthians 4:1-5 we find a portion of… Continue reading Christian Leadership according to 1 Cor 4:15

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