It was a lament of the baby boomer generation, the 1961 British parody song My Boomerang Won’t Come Back. Controversy followed it from England to Australia to the United States in an early version of political correctness. Evidently the aboriginal references were distasteful to some people. But, the frustration expressed in the lyrics was more… Continue reading The Baby Boomerang Thing
Tag: Life in the Church
Seeing New Sights on a Boring Treadmill
In our local churches, we are all on treadmills. Whether it’s a steady diet of meetings, deadlines, or maybe even rehearsals, for all of us, there’s the added pressure that weekend services are most definitely coming. Don’t get me wrong, they are probably all necessary routines (ok, at least most of them), but routines nevertheless… Continue reading Seeing New Sights on a Boring Treadmill
Being Discipled to Make Disciples who Make Disciples
Despite the great flurry of activity that marks our local church gatherings, we quite often fail to produce disciples who make disciples. That is, while the heart of the church’s mission is to make disciples (Matt 28:16–20), the work of our churches and the individuals who comprise a local church usually reflect a number of… Continue reading Being Discipled to Make Disciples who Make Disciples