Category: Featured Posts
Who Am I? Part 2: The Image of God and Human Relationships
The previous chapter [available HERE] evaluated the naturalistic worldview approaches of relativism and utilitarianism to human relationships. Relativism leads to brokenness; utilitarianism, while focusing on what “works” for the majority, leads inevitably to oppression and injustice for the minority. In this chapter we want to lay a cornerstone for a Christian answer to any question… Continue reading Who Am I? Part 2: The Image of God and Human Relationships
Fear and Preaching: Part 1–Fearful Preachers
“The fear of man brings a snare, but he who trusts in the Lord will be exalted” (Proverbs 29:25; NASB) One of my favorite stories about young preachers tells of a young man who went in view of a call at a big county-seat church. He was nervous to begin with, but things went from… Continue reading Fear and Preaching: Part 1–Fearful Preachers
Podcast 6.6.19
In today’s podcast, Ross Parker talks with Dr. Jonathan Denton about student ministry, specifically the idea of shepherding a the hearts of today’s students. Jonathan has served CSU as a professor of Christian Studies focusing on student ministry since the Fall of 2017.